Saturday, March 13, 2010


Gosh why is it when you least need it you get hit by a bug??? Dan has a horrid cold, Noah has caught it and my throat feels like ive been attempting sword swallowing and not doing it very well. Yesterday even though Noah was unwell he was a super happy baby. He does giggly baby very well. I'm amazed how much he grows everyday. He was sat up on the sofa having lunch yesterday and he seems so grown up compared to even just a week ago. Here's a video of lunch time......

aaarrrrg cant get the video to upload will pop a link instead

I so dont feel like doing anything today, i've managed to get nappies in the wash but other than that motivation is escaping me. Definately not looking forward to Dan going to work later as I feel a lot worse today than yesterday :( Being a mummy really is much harder work than my day job lol, more rewarding though so cant grumble (well I can because i'm ill)

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